

Our Recent Projects

  • Analysis for the GIZ of the Regulations Codes and Standards required for the development of South Africa’s hydrogen economy.
  • Technical advisor to the IPP-Office for REIPPP BW6 regarding Ancillary Services.
  • Assisted the DMRE to develop South Africa’s Gas Master Plan (GMP) in partnership with the CSIR.
  • Commercial advisory, PPA and Ancillary Services negotiations for the 125 MW Sendou power plant in Senegal.
  • Techno-commercial advisory services to a bidder acquiring one of South Africa’s major LPG suppliers.
  • Development of a utility-scale hydrogen fuel cell power station.
  • Due diligence of two PV solar acquisition targets for REIPPP BW5.
  • Analysis of hydrogen opportunities in South Africa for AP Ventures (a UK Venture Capital Fund).
  • Assessment of two ESKOM coal-fired power stations to evaluate their performance and recommend improvements to their operations.
  • Leading commercial negotiations and techno-commercial support for a 200 MW hybrid power station for the RMIPPP program consisting of gas-fired and PV facilities. Costing and technical requirements for the power plant to provide Ancillary Services were also developed.
  • Techno-commercial and M&A advisory services for a bidder acquiring Sasol’s stake in the Mozambique-South Africa ROMPCO gas transmission pipeline valued at $ 500 million and the acquisition of Sasol’s South African gas distribution network.
  • Provided advisory services to the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and Mozambique’s National Oil Company (ENH) regarding the infrastructural requirements and gas monetisation options for the gas fields in northern Mozambique.
  • Provided advisory services to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for the Regional Gas Masterplan.
  • Advised IPPs regarding the wheeling of electricity across Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) members’ transmission grids.
  • Preparation for the disposal process of loss-making shafts as part of the restructuring of Implats’ Rustenburg platinum operations.
  • Lender’s Technical Advisor for three healthcare facilities in South Africa.